
When you take drugs regularly, it is important to manage all aspects of your life, not just the drug taking – this includes your health, sleep, living environment, family and friends. 

Daily rituals help you to remove yourself or take a break from whatever or whomever is worrying you, and to think about your next move.

It isn’t about waiting to be at rock-bottom. Getting help for change, at any time in your journey, is good for your well-being.

 Jemma’s story

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“I’ve lost any kind of motivation to do anything during the day. I feel kind of isolated.”


Jemma is in an unhelpful relationship and she feels crap about herself. Jemma smokes a bit of weed to help her zone out of her crappy job & relationship. 

Jemma tries to put time aside each day for a Daily Reset to help her feel more like herself. She wants to build assertive communication and make changes to her relationship and cannabis habit.


 Johnny’s story


“My parents think that I’m a star student. I don’t know how to tell them that I’m not.”


Johnny puts himself under pressure to achieve in his studies to please his parents. Partying is the only way he knows how to loosen up, but he knows he can’t keep this routine up. 

Johnny doesn’t know how to slow down; his grades are falling and his mother suspects something is up. His Daily Reset is his time to reflect, get on top of the overwhelm and delay his need to take drugs.


 Peter’s story

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“It’s days like these I end up using if I don’t reset.”


Peter is super busy. He works a lot and uses amphetamines to get work done, get through each day and to feel good about himself. Peter gets angry with his ex when he isn’t able to see his son. He hates getting angry in front of his son. 

He knows it is time to change. His Daily Reset helps him to take care of his mental and physical health and take a break from whatever and whomever is causing him to worry.